
Empowering children and families in the East End of Richmond.

The Outreach Council has identified community partners with whom we live out our commitment to empower children and families in the East End of Richmond. Volunteer opportunities are available with nearly all of our partners.

Primary Partners: Henry L. Marsh, III Elementary School, Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School, Armstrong Leadership Program, and RISC (Richmonders Involved to Strengthen our Communities)

Secondary Partners: ACTS, Caritas, Cristo Rey High School, ChildSavers, Crossover Healthcare Ministry, Kairos Prison Ministry, Shalom Farms, 2nd Pres Lunch Program, STEP, and Urban Hope.

The expectation is that every member supports at least one of these primary partners, so together, with God's help, we can build up a city where all have what they need to live lives of joy, purpose, and peace. Contact Rev. Derek Starr Redwine to learn more. 

Is your organization interested in partnering with First Presbyterian to empower the children and families of the East End? Contact Discipleship Coordinator Carolyn Wright to learn how your organization can apply to be a secondary partner. We are defining the East End as the school zone for Armstrong High School.

Background photo: "Have a Seat" (Jefferson Park in Richmond’s East End) by Gary Smith of Richmond

Serve Opportunities

Serve Opportunities

Opportunities to serve as a volunteer are available with our mission partners. Imagine the transformation in our community and in our hearts, if every member of the church was connected in some way with at least one of our mission partners. Volunteer opportunities range from one-time events to weekly commitments. Questions? Contact the church to be connected to a member of our Outreach team.

Discover volunteer opportunities

Outreach Partners

Henry L. Marsh III Elementary School

An outreach partner for twenty-one years, Henry Marsh empowers its students to be critical-thinkers, lifelong learners, and responsible citizens. Named after the first African-American mayor of Richmond, this school serves amazing children who face real challenges, with 92% of the student classified as economically disadvantaged. Support this twenty-one-year partnership by serving as a reading buddy or classroom assistant; or help with a special project like the Dessert Fair and Cadre Breakfast. 

“Let the little children come to me…for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.”
~ Matthew 19:14

Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School

“Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me welcomes not me but the one who sent me.”
~Mark 9:37

Our newest outreach partner, the staff and teachers of MLK work ensure success for their students by creating an inquiry-based learning environment where they question and investigate the world around them. Middle school is a critical link between adolescence and young adulthood, where a ministry of presence makes all the difference. Current volunteer opportunities include male volunteers who support staff and assist students during class transitions and reading buddies for 6th graders. Volunteer opportunities start at one hour a week.

Armstrong Leadership Program

ALP's mission is to grow student leaders from Armstrong High School by helping them acquire skills in the areas of personal development, leadership, mentoring, post graduate preparation and cultural exposure. Armstrong High was founded in 1865 as the first school dedicated to freed African American students in Richmond. Located in the center of five public housing developments, ALP supports these youth so they can reach their potential and overcome adversity. 

This program, run through Richmond Hill, is looking to grow. Mentor a student in the 9th through 12th grade. Commitment is two hours a month with a mentee for at least a year. 

“Train children in the right way, and when old, they will not stray.”
~ Proverbs 22:6


Richmonders Involved to Strengthen our Communities

“Do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God.”
~ Micah 6:8

RISC ( is a justice ministry organization of twenty-two congregations in Richmond, Henrico, and Chesterfield. Founded in 2002 RISC uses the power of large numbers of people to hold public officials accountable and to solve critical community problems. 

RISC follows a yearly process that focuses on building a justice ministry network in congregations. In the fall, Team Leaders host House Meetings to discuss community problems and engage participants. From November through March, Issue Committees are formed to conduct research into the problems, and ultimately come up with specific, winnable solutions. The Nehemiah Action Assembly is held in the spring, where thousands from the partner congregations gather to ask public officials to implement these solutions. After the Nehemiah Action, leaders follow up on the commitments made at the Action, and Network Members are invited to invest in RISC.
